Thursday, January 28, 2010

What's six months between friends?

In a feeble attempt at getting myself in order, my blog fell to the wayside.  Not that it was a hot topic of conversation around the water cooler mind you, but it still felt good to vent to someone other than my poor husband.  Lord love him and the rants he smiles through....he really does love me.  I have now realized that the blogging was pretty good for my mental state...what's left of it.  And so it begins...again....unless I forget, or get distracted (which I am apt to do), or am feeling lazy.

I went through a period of time in the past year or two where I have felt nothing but angry.  Actually that's more of a sugar coat than has been more like unbridled rage.  Completely justified (believe it or not) but not something I have taken any delight in.  The more I tried to ignore it the worse it got.  November is when I decided I'd had enough.  Working from the inside out seemed to be the best plan at the time...eating healthier, incorporating more exercise into my sedentary day, getting more sleep....blah blah blah...all that crap you're supposed to do anyway.  It worked for the most part...until I fell off the wagon.  I'm still not smoking (almost a year quit BTW) but I haven't exercised but 4 times since Christmas...and supper the other night consisted of a Burger King double cheeseburger (add mayo please) a small fry and a king size Whatchamacalit (instructed husband I needed something sweet at Sheetz).  Dinner of champions.  Of course since we ate a boatload of crap for supper we were both starving and scavenging for more junk before bed.  Not what I had in mind, yo.  So, as the initial excitement at how my mood had improved began to wan I started to slack.  The bad moods made a hasty return.  I've been more back on track this week...still not exercising and the scale has been banished to the back 40 under the microwave cart.  I'm feeling better in general and I'd like to keep it that way.  Looks like I need to keep the old nose to the grindstone and out of the pantry.  I'm tired of being a grumpy fat ass and I'm the only one that can do anything about it. 

For something completely different....people that give 18 month old children Moon Sand for Christmas need to have their heads examined.  Seriously.  Come on, what did they expect her to do with it?  Make a castle?  She can't even feed herself.  I typically try to give age appropriate presents....Moon Sand CLEARLY states ages 3+ on the front and it even has age recommendations on the back.  My youngest is 2 years under the appropriate age.  Furthermore, have you ever seen this stuff?  It's so freaking messy I wouldn't recommend it to an adult.  So, for now, it sits at the bottom of our craft stack and is currently awaiting a delayed exile to Granny's house. 

The Watson Twins new CD TTY/TTM is coming out 2/09/10.  If it's as good as Fire Songs, I can die happy.  Now, if I could just find my Pink Mountaintops CD all would be right in my musical universe. 

As for right now...the laundry is yearning for my touch and the baby is rattling the bars of her cage.

Thought for the day....You can certainly make lemonade out of lemons, but you can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit. 

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