Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How lazy can one person be!?!?!?

Now you know that's a BOLD statement coming from a slug.   

For the record, I'm not what you would consider "green".  In the past year or two, I've tried to become a bit more conscious of the amount of chemicals my family uses.  I've started recycling, buying as many organic products as my limited budget will allow and have cut the use of my beloved Ziploc bags and Bounty paper towels in HALF!!!  You have no idea what kind of restraint I've been practicing.  For the most part it hasn't hurt one bit incorporating these new Eco-friendly habits into the life of my tribe (when there are 5 people in the house you qualify for tribal status instead of family).  Yes, it takes a bit more time to sort through what used to be your trash and separate the plastics, glass & metal.....however the benefits really wowed me when I discovered that I only had to change the trash twice a week instead of daily!!!  HOT DAMN!!  That appealed to my inner slug.  Doing good old Mother Earth some good AND not having to touch a nasty ass trash should try it!  Anyway, back to the subject.  I'm not trying to convince you to go out and picket the Wal-Mart until they start using paper bags or brush your teeth with neem twigs or whatnot so don't get your panties in a wad OK....I'm just trying to make a point about my neighbor.    I was on my way to the dumpster... (rural areas have no trash pick up or curbside recycling so you have to touch the "gross" yourself...remind me to tell you about the freezer from hell at a later date) and when I attempted to turn out of the driveway that we all share, my way was blocked.  Ms. Slacker Badmom has her freaking SUV (Jesus God, don't get me started on those) parked in the middle of the "common ground"....both the passenger and driver side doors were wide open and everybody was out of the vehicle...standing IN FRONT of it.  Not sure what they were doing.  I waited for them to get back in.....hell's bells to make a long story short ....when I came back home her SUV was still in the same place but as an added bonus, I guess she'd finished her Taco Bell value meal and 20oz. Diet Coke because the damn trash was flung on the road DIRECTLY UNDER HER WINDOW!!!  Of course this shouldn't surprise me since there is a sacrificial mountain of drink cans right outside her front door. 

So, my point being....recycle or don't....just put your damn trash in a bag, not wherever you feel like throwing it.  The rest of the population IS NOT your Goddamned mama.
I need an Excedrin.

Random thought for the day:  Is it normal for girl children to want to "slap fight"?

1 comment:

  1. First know you're absolutely insane...second I love that you called it THE walmart!
