Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm trying to be a sunbeam....really.

OK, so, for the past couple of weeks I've been in the foulest mood ever conjured by female hormones. I can smell your envy. My children have been cowering in corners and skulking around which has only served to piss me off poor sweet babies. This cannot go on....I'm getting on my own nerves. When my sweet sweet husband gets his boxer briefs in a tightly wound wad (which is very rare....I'm the high strung one) I make him play a game with me. I like to call it the "You're doing that thing with your bottom lip again...quit being pissy and tell me something nice dammit!" game. There is a 99.9 % success rate with this game! See, proof I don't fuck up everything! So now for your reading pleasure or torment whichever the case may be I'm playing "the game" with myself. Here goes nothing.

I will now tell you things that are nice and things I love. I'm not really sure if I care that you care....but I gotta try something.
  1. My sweet girls when they're fresh out of the bath and have clean hair.
  2. The smell of Burt's Bees baby powder on MY baby girl.
  3. My mother-in-law's butternut pound cake.
  4. ANY trip with my husband....he is the most fantastic road trip partner EVER. PERIOD.
  5. Walking on freshly cut grass.
  6. Board games....preferably ones that involve useless information.
  7. Flip flops....the cheap foam rubber ones.
  8. Music playing all the time. I'm making my own soundtrack.
  9. Diet Coke
  10. Curling up in my bed surrounded by every pillow I own with a cup of hot tea and a book.
  11. The way my husband smells when he comes home from work....sawdust, sweat, cologne...he smells like home.
  12. Cookbooks. It's my mama's fault. I'm OK with it.
  13. Knowing that because I fell in love with the most wonderful man on Earth a new person exists.
  14. Reading LOLCATS and Chuck Norris factoids. Yes, I laugh at fart jokes too OK. Shut up.
  15. Pictures our girls have drawn of our family.
  16. Seeing my husband smile at me and knowing he loves me with all his heart.
  17. Sleepy kids crawling into bed to snuggle.
  18. Dear hubby's roast chicken with peach rosemary glaze and potato casserole. He's a better cook than me....his mama showed him how to cook with love. In the case of the roast chicken and potato casserole....he loves the shit out of me.
  19. When our baby girl reaches out for me and says mama and comes running!
  20. Deciding that 2:09 in the AM makes a fantastic bedtime!!
WOW!!! I think Mrs. Pissy Pants may have left the least for now!! I need to play this game more often.
If anyone reading this would like to make their own list and post it in the comments that would be fab!
Being ill takes a toll on one's energy level. I am weary. Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. You really want my list of what I think is nice and what I love? Here goes:
    1. A house that smells fresh and clean.
    2. Flowers-the scent of flowers!
    3. When my husband tells me I am beautiful. It makes my heart flutter.
    4. When my heart flutters. It's a nice feeling.
    5. Chocolate. PERIOD.
    6. A peppermint mocha twist from Starbucks.
    7. My kids. Their hugs and kisses...and love.
    8. Sitting in front of a warm fire on a snowy day.
    9. Hot showers. (After being deprived of hot water for a minute there, gotta love the warmth of a hot shower!If you've never had a cold shower, try one. You'll know why I said hot showers!!)
    10. Christmas Lights.

    So, my list is rather painful, but it could go on and on....that's why I'll stop there. If I feel like it, I may add more later.
